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How to get involved

There are many ways to get 100% out of being a part of the Kiwi community.

1. Sharing Kiwi links

If you read something interesting on Kiwi or you find the conversation in the comments valuable, share it with your friends or your communities. It’s a way to ignite conversation and show the world what ideas you find interesting.

2. Curating links

You can help us by upvoting content you find valuable.

So, if you read something on Kiwi and think it’s good, don’t hesitate to upvote it. However, please refrain from upvoting things you haven’t read.

3. Submitting links

Another way to help is by submitting relevant links. We wrote guidelines to inform you which links are welcome.

If you are unsure if the link fits, feel free to DM us (@timdaub & macbudkowski on Telegram), and we will help you decide if it will work.

4. Telling your friends about Kiwi

Tell your friends about Kiwi. You can do it via DMs or social media such as Twitter, Farcaster, or Telegram. If you have an inclination for writing, you can also write a blog post about us or a Twitter thread.

5. Sharing product feedback

If you have any ideas about what to improve or want to report any bugs, feel free to contact us on Telegram: @timdaub & @macbudkowski

If you just want to share ideas or feedback, you can just DM us.

If you report a bug and have a bit more time, it’d be great if you:

  • made a screenshot of the bug you see,
  • shared information about the browser & wallet you use,

and included this information in your DM. It will help us solve the problem faster.

6. Contributing code

Our project is Open Source, which means everyone can contribute code. People like freeatnet, Alya, and the Dawn Wallet team have already submitted Pull Requests to our repo.

If you want to contribute, the best way to start is by joining Kiwi Devs Chat. You can share your ideas with us, and - if they fit the roadmap - we can help you implement them.

7. Attending & organizing community calls & meetups

We run weekly community calls, where we get to know each other, discuss important Kiwi challenges, product ideas and all things crypto. You can find the calendar with the calls on our Luma.

We also organize meetups. So far, we had Kiwi meetups in Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Brussels & Istanbul. Four of them were organized by Tim & Mac, and one was organized independently by our community members, led by freeatnet. If there are any new upcoming meetups, we will add them to the same calendar where you can find our community calls.

If you want to organize one by yourself, we’d be happy to support you and add it to the calendar - feel free to DM us!